Friday, September 30, 2011

Cadastral Map
This map is from the Department of Environmental Protection in the State of Florida. It shows surface water class boundaries lines. Though this is not a country boundary, it shows the boundary dividing water type, or quality and its location. This is important for both the local community, as well as DEP because it demonstrates how long this water is available, as well as its boundaries. This map can affect policy making, environmental law, as well as urbanization. It's important to notice the validity of the map, is it recent, is it still applicable to 2011?

Map Grid
This is an unusual map because it simply shows the grid. Its purpose is to show the construction of maps, how distortion plays a part at the poles and how that translates into further distancing on a scaled paper map in a 2-D surface. As a reference point, the world map is included in the background for the viewer to trace the latitudes within the map according to the location of continents and countries. It is important to notice the partitioning of the map. Unlike maps we usually read from in the United States, this map begins into Europe and Africa, instead of the commonly seen Pacific Ocean and American Continent. It gives the viewer a different perspective, which might question values and social constructions, just like the effects upside down maps have when you are accustomed to seeing North East South West always with USA North West, and Asia North East.

DEM (Digital Model Elevation)

this map shows the terrain of a mountain. This was taken from NASA's World Wind program. The picture was meant to show how the program works and demonstrate the different types of systems there are for mapping, and remote sensing and global visualization systems there are currently available. The World Wind tool is one of the technological advances that are truly significant because of the accuracy it portrays making mapping more accurate, and extremely useful for terrain construction. This map can be useful for geographers, climatologists, researchers, and historians because it shows the land in great detail, portraying paths within the mountainside. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Flow Map

This map shows the flux of telecommunication through a flow map. The line size indicates minute intensity and the country total is portrayed by white circles. The map shows the intensity of telecommunications. It would be interesting to do create a map of this during different times. However, this proposes difficult data to gather especially when there is an increase in details. Interesting to find out how the data was gathered, what time and by whom so that the purpose can be clearer and biases may be lessened. Furthermore,  the type of audience that was meant to see this map also affected the map makers decision, especially if he was trying to persuade the audience. Where the map maker is from, working for utility bills, energy sector, or another method of communications could impact the map making process of this type of map. The flow of where the telecommunication is performed can be clearly seen, however if the calls where made or received to that location is not shown. 

Statistical Map

This map shows the number of hungry children in different parts of the world. It is like a choropleth map because of the different coloration. It might even be considered a propaganda map because it tries to convey a certain point of view about a subject area. However I consider this a statistical map because, yes it contains those characteristics, however it is portraying them according to numerical statistics on certain regions of the world. It also distorts the normal world map to emphasize the purpose of showing how many children do go without eating on certain areas of the world, as opposed to the smaller numbers in other areas of the world. Other factors play into this data since this map is showing a sociological phenomenon. These are poverty, population density, time of year, and family situation. A lot of factors can play into finding true statistic of a social data, this map illustrates the extent of hunger and famine collected by the United Nations hunger statistics.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Classed Choropleth Map

This is a thematic map showing new businesses in the United States in 1999. It is divided by a range of colors representing a numerical interval of the population number of new businesses. There can be seen a majority of new jobs in Florida, California, Washington, Michigan, and the Northeastern coast line and quite a bit to the eastern side of Texas. There are a few areas with a clumped rise, usually in major cities, and very low within the middle strip of the United States until Texas. This map would be very useful for students who are deciding their majors, for immigrants looking for jobs, for government and collegial research, for someone who lost their job, as well as marketing about the US's development and economy.

Temperature Forecast

This map conveys the national Forecast within the United States, in the Northern Hemisphere with the highest and lowest temperatures. It is a layering of two maps, the first, of the country of the USA, the second, of the temperature enhanced by colors. The colors are made very visible so the audience can quickly distinguish which area they are in and the temperature in that area as compared to the rest of the US.