Friday, September 23, 2011

Statistical Map

This map shows the number of hungry children in different parts of the world. It is like a choropleth map because of the different coloration. It might even be considered a propaganda map because it tries to convey a certain point of view about a subject area. However I consider this a statistical map because, yes it contains those characteristics, however it is portraying them according to numerical statistics on certain regions of the world. It also distorts the normal world map to emphasize the purpose of showing how many children do go without eating on certain areas of the world, as opposed to the smaller numbers in other areas of the world. Other factors play into this data since this map is showing a sociological phenomenon. These are poverty, population density, time of year, and family situation. A lot of factors can play into finding true statistic of a social data, this map illustrates the extent of hunger and famine collected by the United Nations hunger statistics.

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