Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Histograms are a great way to depict data, there are horizontal or vertical histograms. Histograms are similar to bar graphs but usually have connected bars, though this one from NOAA does not.

Correlation Matrix

The correlation matrix is used to see population correlations and sample correlations through standard deviations. 
It is also known as a covariance matrix. 

Similarity matrix

Similarity matrix are used in sequence alignment, a way of arranging a sequence such as DNA or RNA paring. 

Parallel Coordinate Graph

Parallel coordinate graphs are useful for comparing two variables within a graph.

Windroses are maps in a circular format, this windrose shows the frequency of winds blowing from certain directions and the the frequency of time the wind blows from a particular direction. Each circle represents a different frequency, other information such as directions (North, South, East, West) can also be shown since the windrose map originated from the compass.
This shows a wind rose of data from Spring time, March-April. A wind rose is a diagram that depicts wind direction and speed distribution at a location over  a period of time. The length of the spoke indicates how often the wind comes from that direction, longer spokes mean the wind comes from the direction more often while shorter indicates less frequency. The dotted ring labels indicate the percentage while the colors display how often the wind speed falls within a given range of speed.

Star Plot
Star plots can display various observations with an arbitrary number of variables. The observations are displayed in a star-shaped manner with a ray for each variable, the length of the ray is proportional to the variable.

Index Value Plot
This map type indicates absolute numbers and values. This map indicates the expected percentage of stations bellow water level between the years of 2002-2010.